
Level Studios were commissioned to create a CMS, booking system and web application for a London tour company, including the ability for employees to curate content as desired. We also implemented an automated email system to keep guides informed about new bookings and confirm bookings for customers.

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • AWS S3
  • ReactJS
  • MongoDB
  • CSS3
  • Front-end development
  • Back-end development
  • Product management
  • CMS design
December 2019
Landing Page
Landing Page – a minimalist feel with bold, sweeping images to transport the user into the company's London surroundings
Schedule – lets tourists view and book tours, while guides can add new tour dates/times
Tours Page – lets tourists browse through different tour types, while guides can edit/delete tours
Dashboard – users can see what they have booked, while guides can see which tours they are delivering
Editing – we enabled admin users and guides to edit content as desired, including uploads to S3
Gallery – an assortment of images pulled from previous tours
Landing Mobile
Schedule Mobile
Gallery Mobile
Mobile screenshots – Level Studios love responsive design
We are available for new projects.
Interested? Feel free to reach out!