
Development and project management of a video-powered community of travel enthusiasts.

  • React Native
  • AWS
  • Redux
  • GraphQL
  • styled-components
  • Rails
  • Node.js
  • Jest
  • Asana
NaviSavi LLC
  • Front end development
  • Back end development
  • Cloud architecture
  • Project management
March 2021

NaviSavi is a video platform where travel enthusiasts can find, upload and share travel videos and playlists.

NaviSavi – a community for sharing authentic travel videos
First Version

Level Studios Design were commissioned to develop an MVP for NaviSavi LLC in March 2020. Initially, the brief was to deliver a functional prototype as soon as possible.

We were able to deliver the first working version by the summer of that year, enabling the NaviSavi team to conduct some internal testing.

After completing a long list of bug fixes, mainly UX issues and problems with certain cloud functions, we started planning the next iteration.

Second Version

The most significant change for the second version was the appointment of a UI designer who was to create a vastly improved user interface which Level Studios Design would later implement.

We were also tasked with implementing various other features, including a “multiple upload” feature, a rewards scheme, and an enhanced video playback experience.

After lots of hard work, we managed to deliver a first iteration of this second version by the end of 2020.

Third Version

Having resolved most of the issues with the second version, the third version was largely focused on facilitating video uploads as part of the company’s content acquisition drive.

This stage involved lots of work with AWS cloud services - which we would eventually take one step further by implementing a video transcoding pipeline and CDN - but at the time it involved building a media library browser using native APIs, among other things.

Other highlights of this version included an improved gesture-driven video interface inspired by TikTok, a series of UX improvements coordinated through a veteran designer, a streamlined authentication flow, and multiple new CMS capabilities through an in-app admin portal.

We also invested considerable time in refining and retuning the cloud infrastructure setup on AWS, using a number of different services to improve processes and allow the product to scale.


At the time of writing, NaviSavi is a thriving community home to tens of thousands of videos uploaded by users in over 100 different countries. The company is starting to attract serious interest in the travel community, and we are pleased to have played a part in that success.

We are available for new projects.
Interested? Feel free to reach out!