
Design, development and delivery of a prototype product for a London entrepreneur

  • React Native
  • Redux
  • styled-components
  • Ruby on Rails
  • PostgresQL
  • Python
  • Selenium
Search Parties
  • Back-end/front-end development
  • Web scraping
  • Product management
  • UI design
January 2020
The Problem

Electronic music event directories have become fragmented, with different sub-genres no longer accessible through the same online provider. Search Parties aims to address this issue through an online hub which will offer an immersive experience for fans.

Because electronic music events happen all around the world every single day, the Search Parties application needed to store events in dozens of different countries while remaining fast and functional.

Level Studios agreed on a preliminary deadline of February 2020 to finish the initial stage of the contract, including web scraping, data cleansing and UI design.

SearchParties – connecting people to parties and parties to people
The Solution

Level Studios favoured bold, bright colours to stay true to electronic dance music’s lively image. We created an index page which was able to filter music events by date, distance and - most importantly - genre.

To enhance this initial offering, we created a map and calendar page to make it easier to see events nearby as well as those happening on a particular date. We also gave users the ability to save favourites that they could revisit later.

Events Map
Events Calendar
Final-stage design – completed by February 2020

A huge part of the project involved cleansing the data we had gathered from a wide range of sources. Once this was complete, the main challenge was devising a way to tag each event to one or more sub-genres under the ‘Electronic’ umbrella. We accomplished this by gathering more data on the artists performing at each event. Thanks to our efforts, devoted fans of electronic music are now able to find out about events in their favourite sub-genres - however niche they may be.

The end result is a usable product which fulfils its original purpose as a showcase for potential investors and product partners, translating SearchParties’ company vision into something real and tangible.

We are available for new projects.
Interested? Feel free to reach out!